The energetic understanding of karma offers a new perspective on this ancient principle of cause and effect. We incur karma when our free will choices do not align with divine will. Divine will is not always logical and while there are guiding principals, you won’t find a formula for it in any book. It is a far deeper understanding that you can only discover through communication with your higher self, but its foundation always rests on unconditional love. Not only do we have our personal karma from all of our incarnations that are occurring simultaneously, but we inherit the karma of our parents and ancestors through our DNA. There is also the collective karma of nations and the karma we inherit from the earth.
Karmic imprints are twisted energy patterns in our morphogenetic field that affect our overall frequency, create the shadow self, and affect our DNA. It is frequency that determines the people, places, times, things, and events that are attracted in your life. Karmic imprints are always about “issues” such as victimization, self worth, and poverty consciousness. They are also observed in personas such as the tyrant, the martyr, and the terrorist. While we can clear our karma energetically, it will not be completely realized in one session. Karma runs deep, but once we do clear these twisted patterns our lives flow with greater ease. We balance our inner masculine and feminine which enables us to attract our soul mate. We create a new reality as a different frequency of people, places, times, things, and events will be magnetized to us.